Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Very "High" Day`

Today my friend,Mr.BongBong birthday.My 4SN,4SI,and4PA friends plan to MP to celebrate his birthday.So,after take breakfast with my mother.I ask her to fetch me to Sentral(Bus Station) to meet Mr.BongBong.When I arrived Sentral,there are already many people in Sentral.After about 6 minute.My Friend,Mr.BongBong also arrived already,but he with my classmate Chong Yao Jie(He a "aqua"),when I see Yao Jie,I ask him,"you come bus station to sell ass ah?",he say he want to kill me already,but he didn't kill me.Then I ride the bus with Mr.BongBong,when we are on the way to MP.Me and Mr.BongBong say all he and his 4SI friends plan where to go.Then when we arrived,we want go to buy the cinema ticket,when we on the way to carefour,we meet Ah Gan and Ah Poh(4SI friends),He say still early to buy ticket,he say go to old town cafe to eat breakfast,when we go into old town cafe about 2 minute,one of our friend,Li Yen(4SI friends).Also come already,they order some food to eat.While we waiting the food,we saw Thiam Chin(4SI Friend),was just arrived,they want to call him to come to old town cafe,but I say don't waste the phone money,I say i'm free nothing to do,so I go to find him,after bring him to old town cafe,I saw See Choon also arrived already.Then after they eat,we want go to carefour to ticket already,but Li Yen say Siew Rhong and Karen(4SI friends) close to MP already.We didn't go any patient to wait,we say to them meet us at carefour cinema.Then we separate team,Me,Mr.BongBong,See Choon,and Ah Poh go to carefour cinema,Li Yen and Ah Gan wait Siew Rhong and Karen arrived.Then we go to cinema buy "where got ghost" movie,we buy 20 tickets and 12 o'clock tickets.Then after buy,Mr.BongBong say he want play some game.So we accompany him to play some basketball game.After play game,we meet Ah Gan team.Then we go to ground floor to buy cake.After buy cake we go to dream box to put the cake.Then we meet Chee Seng,Wei Shen(My Classmate),Lawrence,Yuan Boon,Kok Tong,Boon Li,Roger and Kak Peng(4SI friends) team.then we all go to cinema watch movie.The movie was funny and shock is not so horror,I was scare by Siew Rhong,Li Yen,Pei Tze(My classmate) and Karen...-_-lll.Then after we finish.Chee Seng told me that Shwu Wen(My sweetheart,Not still yet my lover) was some cinema room with us.AI~I'm so disappointed that I can't see her.Then we seperate team to play.Then we meet at dream box 3 o'clock.But I already,bo bian.We play until about 6 o'clock,me and Mr.BongBong buy something then we go to Mc'D eat,but we meet Mr.BongBong parent,they fetch me to back home.Then,I play with neighbour "tanglung",after play "tanglung".I go home take showers,then I write this note lo.But really thanks Mr.BongBong fetch me back,and I forget tell you happy birthday,wish you whole life is sweet.

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